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  • Writer's pictureSara Lynn

Everyday Magic

Updated: Jul 11, 2023

Hardly a day goes by when someone doesn’t ask me how I can incorporate magick into my life. This seems like a complex question when you look at it, not knowing what magick is, but when you have a clear understanding of what magick is and how it works it is really quite simple.

Magick is defined as the science and art of causing chance to occur in conforming with will, this is according to Crowley. Magick at its essence is all around us; New life, birth, changes in ourselves or those around us. All of these are changes that can result from magick. Magick can be something simple like meditating on a certain aspect to provide clarity, change or understanding, or it can be something much more complex such as a long throughout ritual.

When a person wants to incorporate magick into his or her life they are most often referring to the spiritual aspect of their lives. They want their life to be more meaningful and more spiritual. To me magick is my life, it is not just part of my life, but all of it. It is something that makes my life, my life, just as getting up everyday and doing your morning routine is your life.

Magick through Meditation

Magick for me starts in the morning with meditation. This starts even before I get out of bed in the morning. I lay in bed after I wake for just a few short minutes and I think about my day; what I have to do, my goals and pretty much how I desire my day to go. This is kind of setting intentions for my day. A plan of what will happen. To me these are the blueprints for my day. Some people also choose to keep a dream journal and at this time they would use it to write about the dreams they recalled from the night before. I personally do not keep a dream journal, but I don’t recall many of my dreams. If you are a person who recalls many of your dreams, a dream journal is an excellent way to connect to your unconscious mind.

Meditation doesn’t only have to be done in the morning and it’s purpose doesn’t have to be working out your day’s routine. The purpose can be anything from gaining insight to your higher self to learning about past lives and how they affect your present life. As with all things meditation should be kept simple until you’ve done more research and have a greater understanding of it. There are several great books and YouTube videos out there if you are interested in learning more.

Kitchen Magick

The kitchen is also a good place to incorporate magick

into your life. Kitchen witchery is quite popular and very simple to add to your life. There are several ways to use magic in the kitchen. First, you can simply use intentions while you are cooking. This is kind of like what grandma used to do when you asked why her cookies were so good “ she made them with love”. What we are thinking about and focusing on while we are cooking can very much affect the taste. Have you ever had something else on your mind and burned your dinner ? Another way to use kitchen magick is to work with the herbs you are using. Herbs have different meanings and some are suited for different times of the year as well as different workings. If you want stability and warmth, you might try adding a bit of cinnamon, however if you need protection, especially from illness, you might add extra garlic to your cooking.

Other ways to incorporate magick into your life could include taking a spiritual bath, creating an altar or sacred space, making a book of shadows, exploring your psychic gifts, or making crafts. These 5 areas are the focal point of the remainder of this article.

Spiritual baths

Spiritual baths are essentially baths that are taken with a purpose. The reason for taking them can be numerous from relaxing and connecting to your higher self to cleansing and protecting. Many things can be used when taking just such a bath; candles, herbs, incantations and other objects as well. Water is known to be very soothing and cleansing and as a result it can be used to achieve many things. Magick in the tub is exactly what you choose to make it. Some people use flower petals and rose water to symbolize love while in the bath, this can be useful when doing any type of love magick. Others may choose to take their bath with an acorn and some salt to aid in protection. Baths can be a very powerful tool when working magick. In fact, many practitioners take baths before any large ritual they perform to prepare them for the ritual and what they will be doing. It has been said that this can help them to prepare both their body and their mind.

Creating an Altar or Sacred Space

Creating an altar or sacred space is essential if you wish to make magick an everyday part of your life. An altar or sacred space is a place where you feel safe and can practice things such as magical workings or meditation. This will help to give you a space where you can have a deeper focus when it is needed. If you are needing help with creating a sacred space please check out my article on sacred spaces. ( Mel insert link ). Creating a space can be either physical or mental, however creating it will help to ensure that you make magick part of your everyday life, if it is something you truly desire to do. Magick above all takes dedication in order to understand it and incorporate it into your life.

Making a Book of Shadows

A book of shadow can help you to incorporate magick into your life as well. A book of shadows is kind of like a diary of anything you do magically. It is where you keep a record of all the spells you have done and exact manner in which you performed them. You would also keep notes as to whether or not the spell worked in the manner in which you intended it too. This is a great method for evaluating whether your spells were functional. When a spell didn’t function as you intended you are able to review what exactly you did and change it up a bit for future use to get closer to the result you desired. When your spell did work, you are able to use the same method to perform it again simply by looking in your book to see what you did the first time. This can be helpful when writing new spells as well, because you are to modify a spell you already used with success to have a slightly different outcome. This is using magick in your everyday life.

Exploring your Psychic Abilities

Exploring your psychic abilities is a bit harder to do because before you can explore them you have to know what they are. Sometimes it is easy to learn what they are because you already are aware of them, other times you may not know what they are. You can listen to your intuition and go with what feels right. For example, if you feel drawn to certain types of divination such as Tarot cards or a pendulum then it may be wise to explore them. If you feel you may have a connection with those who have passed then you may wish to develop a deeper connection with the spirits arounds you. Other methods of exploring psychic abilities is seeking counsel for those familiar in the field (feel free to reach out to me or another staff member) or exploring your gifts through meditation either on your own or with someone already in the field. Other ways to connect to psychic gifts are to use them, as you notice a gift, use it. Using it will help to make it stronger, as they say the more you practice the better you get. It is a good idea to start with intuition, or gut feeling, as everyone has that, at least to some degree. The more you use this gift the more enhanced it will be.

Making Crafts

Another way to incorporate magick in your life is through crafts. Many crafts can involve magick and you may not even realise it. Working with herbs and oils to create tincture, scented oils, teas, candles and soaps can all involve magick. As mentioned prior herbs have different magicicl meanings and using those meaning when you are making something with the herbs can be quite helpful in achieving your goals. Making any of the four mentioned crafts can be a spell. You can think about your desired outcome as you make the product, you can use herbs to give it magical meaning and you can chant or sing words to give the product even more power. These are not the only crafts you can do though, you can do other crafts that are more centered on nature, such as making a birdhouse, fairy house, or anything that involves nature and the elements around you.

Magical Item

There are many magical items available that some find helpful with connecting to their path. There is an atheme (ritual knife), crystals, animal parts, wands, drums and many other items that one may wish to choose to use in their practice. There are no right or wrong tools. Some use many different tools while others choose to use very few or no tools at all.

Bottom Line

At the end of the day how you bring magick into your life is up to you. No one can tell you the right method for you. I live on a small homestead and use magick in my gardens, with my animals, with my children, in my kitchen and every area of my life, but that may not be what works for you. For me magick, nature and the elements are life, both at home and in my professional life. At the end of the day each of us should do what works best for us.

May you be blessed upon magical Journey

Sara Lynn

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